Here's the thing: I'm so busy taking pictures, that I don't have the time to post about it! That's just sort of ironic to me and needs to stop ASAP.
There's a few things on my mind that I want to talk about, so please continue reading and leave me some feedback.
1. New Ideas
2. New Poll
3. General Overall Newness
NUMBER 1- New Ideas: To those of you who don't know me well, I'm more than just a photographer. I'm also majorly into videos, sketching, customizing, and basically anything that can be made, I'm going to do it(or at least attempt to). I've decided that if people were interested, I would post on here about other stuff I've created. But, only if people are interested, which leads me to my next topic...
NUMBER 2- New Poll: I've got a new poll that I would very much like for you guys to vote on as honestly as you possibly can. I want to know what my readers(if any) are thinking. I want to know if there's anything I can do to improve this blog. For some reason, I'm very serious about this blog. I don't know why. Maybe I just like the fact that maybe some day, someone somewhere will find this page, see what all I'm capable of doing, and hire me for some super creative and exciting job. ;P
NUMBER 3- General Overall Newness: I feel as though most days, my creativity has flown the coop. I like to blame this dullness and lack of color that people call "Winter", but maybe it's just me. Sometimes I'm just like that. I'll have periods of time where nothing appeals to me, then suddenly I'm back in the game, brainstorming and hyper, trying to get those ideas out before I explode. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that if I post something that seems rather lame, it's because I'm having an off day(or maybe even week). Please don't hate on me too badly when that happens. It's just a phase that I will more than likely get over within a few days.
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