Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So, I need some help.

I took some pictures last night that turned out ok, but I really think they could be improved. The theme was Asian, and though they're ALMOST what I wanted, something is missing. Sure, I could have used a fan, and if I had had a better makeup job, that probably would have been helpful. I think it was mostly just ME that was the problem, though. I'm simply just not Asian enough.

Really though, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, by all means; Tell me! I'd love some more opinions and thoughts for whenever I take Asian pictures of my friend Tonya. She, unlike me, looks like an American-gone-Anime. She will ROCK this photoshoot, but only if I have some help with ideas. ;]


  1. Hey! what about putting Tonya's hair up with chopsticks(if you can since here hair is super long) and have her dress in Asian ish clothes if she has any and use either a fan or the parasol OR both and do Asian looking make-up (if you can)....this is my idea kinda crappy but oh well at least it's an idea!!

  2. Tonya would look great. Could you do Tonya's makeup? She's a good artist, she might could do it herself. Remember that woman that does the awesome makeup and hairstyles on YouTube? She has a video on Japanese makeup. It doesn't look too hard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nCw9oczxo0

  3. I think you yourself could do the look, of course shooting someone else isn't bad either but if you want some Asian themed pictures of you here are some of my suggestions.

    1. Have your eyes pointed to the ground instead of the sky. This is so that your eyes don't look so wide.

    2. Eyebrows. You're eyebrows are like mine. Blond and invisible in pictures. I think some makeup to make them stand out could be beneficial. (more length than width though)

    3. The lipstick. The dark red lipstick is more of an American thing. Perhaps a paler shade like pink?

    4. I'm running out of ideas. Whitening cream. Something to make you look a little, well paler isn't the word. It's more commonplace in china and japan for the girls to use makeup that makes their faces look white as opposed to tan.

    5. I think the last thing is that I don't see a lot of Asian people with curly hair, though I could be wrong. It's also often put up fairly high, as opposed to low.

    (The things I liked here)
    I love the outfit, it fits perfectly for the style you're going for, so do the fingernails.
    Obviously the umbrella is perfect, and the lighting/ background for your camera are well done. (site note)Also, I think a pure white backdrop would be cool. Perhaps edited into.

    Anyway overall I like the pics and if you want a more Asian feel, brainstorm ideas! lol
    I hope I helped.

  4. Thanks you guys! Those are definitely great ideas and suggestions. Can't wait to redo this project! =D
