Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fredrick, The Great

So, it all started with a marionette...

She was a very well known actress among the other toys. She was so good in fact, that she had a secret admirer....

That's right; Fredrick the Bear was our star's biggest fan. Needless to say, it didn't work out between them. As he was walking outside of the theater, his heart broken, his dreams crushed, a young girl drove by.

Seeing Fredrick in his pitiful state, she kidnapped him with best interests at heart, and took him home. After much "persuading", Fredrick agreed to pose for a few pictures.

She wasn't an easy-to-deal-with picture companion, her sanity constantly being questioned by everyone, including the frightened bear.

Eventually, the crazed girl tired of her fuzzy companion, and she introduced him to some new friends who lived in a box in the back of her closet. The bear, more than glad to be rid of the strange girl, found that he was welcomed warmly by his new friends. As for the girl, she decided to share Fredrick's story with the world. ;]

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