Saturday, November 27, 2010

Emo Love

There is seriously something SO amazing about gloomy brides and forbidden or complicated love. I tried to capture both of these things in the pictures below.

It was really fun taking these pictures, because I had to think out of the box in order to find the right outfit. For the beaded veil and head covering, I used a beaded tank top thing I bought at Goodwill a while back for $0.99. I've been trying to find a good use for it, so I was glad when I was finally able to put it to use.

For the wedding dress and veil in the last picture, I actually used the skirt of a big prom dress I have. It has different layers of fabric in the skirt, so I separated the materials, then wrapped the the layer I wanted all around me.

I'd love to take these again someday, except make myself up a little more and maybe even find a REAL wedding dress to use. In the mean time though, I'm somewhat proud of the results I got with what I had.

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